Jovem MK
Meu Karma
This is the story of Jovem MK, who defied the odds and found a way to tell her journey in music.
Inspired by this narrative, we created a poster concept based on gift wrapping paper. The idea features various patterns and themes that wrap what appears to be a weapon. Each design was handcrafted, digitized, and transformed into patterns like traditional gift wraps.
Agency Africa Creative DDB·
Single Meu Karma·
CCO Sergio Gordilho·
ECD Angerson Vieira·
Creative Directors Yllo Pedra, Hélio Maffia·
Associate Creative Director Adriano Sato·
Art Director Leandro Bolcacha·
Film Director Paladino, Kaique Alves·
Film Production Company Czar·
Illustration Production Company Black Madre·
Creative Director (Black Madre) Andre Maciel·
Account Director Tina Castro·
Head of Planning Leticia Alves·
Planning Beatriz Perrote·
Executive Account Camila Holzmann·
Head of Production Laryssa Andrade·
Produção Karla Milkem·
Head of Art Igor Ras·
Illustrators Leandro Dexter, Bruno Ferrante, Rafael Duque·
Mockup Illustration Mazola Rimoli·