Amazon Desert Rally
We planned the campaign to resemble a race design and created all graphic communication, including symbols, signs, and flags, adding significance and authenticity to the project. The visual identity was inspired by indigenous elements such as tales, animals, and stories about the creation of life. We crafted seven woodcut posters to reinforce the message, combining simplicity, sharp design, and a direct graphic aesthetic with everything made from certified wood.
Agency Africa Creative DDB·
Campanha Amazon Desert Rally·
CCO Sergio Gordilho·
CoCCO Nicholas Bergantin·
ECD Bruno Oppido, Juliana Leite·
Creative Director: Pedro Galdi, Pedro Rosas·
Art Director Pedro Galdi, Renan Molin, Bruno Bacci·
Copywriter Pedro Rosas, Zé Luis Schmitz, Nicholas Bergantin·
Designer Bruno Oppido·
Project Manager Thays Miranda·
Film Director Andre Vidigal·
Audio Satelite Audio·
Photo Rodrigo Pirim·
Production Company Black Madre·
Creative Director (Black Madre) Andre Maciel·
Account Director Tina Castro·
Head of Planning Leticia Alves·
Planning Beatriz Perrote·
Executive Account Letícia Lisboa·
Head of Production Laryssa Andrade·
Production Felipe Ribs·
Illustration Andre Maciel·
Woodcut Rafael Kenji, Pedro Cervini, Tiago Costa·